Healthcare Billing Statement Aging Balance Form

Data Dictionary

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
BlngStmtAgingBalFormID Billing Statement Aging Balance Form Identifier Unique identification number for a specific billing statement aging balance form.
Amt0to30 Amount 0 to 30 Days The total billed amount that is due for payment within 0 to 30 days.
Amt31to60 Amount 31 to 60 Days The total billed amount that is due for payment within 31 to 60 days.
Amt61to90 Amount 61 to 90 Days The total billed amount that is due for payment within 61 to 90 days.
Amt91to120 Amount 91 to 120 Days The total billed amount that is due for payment within 91 to 120 days.
Amt121to365 Amount 121 to 365 Days The total billed amount that is due for payment within 121 to 365 days, categorized as mid-term outstanding balances.
AcctHldrID Account Holder Identifier Unique identification number for the account holder associated with the healthcare billing statement.
BlngStmtMainID Billing Statement Main Identifier Reference number linking to the main billing statement record in the healthcare financial management system.
NameX Name X Placeholder for the name or designation of an item or entry within the billing statement form, used for specifying relevant items.
NameWONo Name Without Number Name or description field used when an associated numeric identification or account number is not applicable.
AmtOverAYear Amount Over A Year The total amount billed that is due for payment for over a year, categorized as long-term arrears.
AmtOver120 Amount Over 120 Days The total amount billed that is due for payment for over 120 days, indicating severely overdue payments.
AmtOver90 Amount Over 90 Days The total amount billed that is due for payment for over 90 days, highlighting delinquent accounts.
TotAgingAmt Total Aging Amount The sum of all unpaid billed amounts categorized by their respective aging periods, reflecting the overall accounts receivable aging.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Checksum value used for audit logs tracking to ensure data integrity and consistency within the billing system.
ZUDate ZU Date Date associated with the audit log entry, indicating when a change was made or data was accessed within the system.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Identifier Unique identifier for a logon session within the audit logs, tracking user access and activity for security and monitoring purposes.